
October 2 – E-newsletter 2021

Annual General Meeting 2021

Everyone is welcome to attend AoD online Members’ Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Due to these uncertain times, we are hosting our second virtual AGM on Monday 15th November 2021 at 6pm via Zoom. We’ve made the decision to host this remotely in the likely event there is a Winter surge in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic.
You can sign up by following the Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/action-on-disability-agm-2021-tickets-173669990617

Register via our website: https://aod.org.uk/aod-annual-general-meeting-2021/or email: info@aod.org.uk or call 0207 385 2098

Employment Service Update

The High Street Supported Interns have begun a new term and have starting their placements at various locations in West London; including the Kensington Town Hall Registrar’s, as well as at Action on Disability. 

Each intern joins us with the aim of developing and learning new skills within a supported work environment whilst they prepare for paid employment.  

Here we have Kayleigh a Supported Intern in her administration placement with Kensington Registrars and Felix Supported Intern in his admin support placement at Action on Disability.

Direct Payment Support Service Update

The Direct Payment Support Service has secured funding to provide training for those employing their own staff and their personal assistants to further their skills. The training will include How to be a Good Employer, First Aid in the Workplace, Health & Safety, Food & Hygiene, and Infection Control. To ask any questions, or for more information on how to book onto these courses, please email: dpsuppport@aod.org.uk

The Direct Payment Support Service is delighted to have two new team members, with Charlotte and Isabella joining the team. Charlotte leads the Direct Payment Support Service, a project delivered in partnership with Ruils Independent Living in Richmond. Charlotte has been working with Ruils since 2020 and partnered with AoD in 2021.
Isabella joined us in August 2021 as an Independent Living Advisor. Her role helps support people through the Direct Payment Service and the recruitment of personal assistants to promote independent living.
The Direct Payment Peer Support group gives our members the chance to meet other Direct Payment recipients, raise concerns, share ideas and listen to speakers who are invited along to talk on different topics.
If you are interested in joining or finding out more about the service, then please contact: dppeersupport@aod.org.uk or call 0207 385 2098!

Youth Service Update

Join Action on Disability’s Youth Service Junior and Youth Club!

The Junior Club Autumn term began last week and runs until December 2021. The club runs every Friday from 4pm – 7pm and has lots of fun activities from dance, drama, art and sport! The club is open to young people from ages 11-16 years old.

The Youth Club Autumn term has began and runs until December 2021. The club runs every Thursday from 4pm – 7pm and is open for 16-25 year olds.

If your child or young person is interested in joining either of these clubs or would like to find out more about AoD’s Youth Service, then please contact: brittany.granda@aod.org.uk

Welfare Benefits Service Update

Action on Disability is delighted to welcome Cherry Young to our Welfare Benefits Service! Cherry works as a Welfare Benefits Advisor for children (Ages 0 – 18 years old) The Welfare Benefits Service provides support to ill and disabled people of all ages living in Hammersmith and Fulham with a free and independent benefit service. If you are interested in finding out more, then please call: 0207 385 2098 or email info@aod.org.uk 

Other news…

Join our Gardening Group!

Action on Disability held its first gardening group which was a great success! The sun was shining for the session and our members were able to dig up some fresh mint and red onions!

The Gardening club runs every fortnight on Wednesday from 11am – 1pm and is open to all our members. All levels are welcome, iff you are interested in joining, please email: stella.anaman.gillan@aod.org.uk to find out how to join!

International Day of Disabled People 2021 Celebration Event

International Day of Disabled People 2021 – Hammersmith & Fulham Celebration Event!

Action on Disability will arrange an activity programme on Friday 3rd December in partnership with other local DPOs and H&F Council. We’ll be celebrating the International Day of Disabled People globally and spreading the word on disability issues and mobilising support for our inclusion, rights and well-being.

Our event may be hosted a virtually but please make sure you keep the 3rd December free. Get in touch to find out what events we have planned & watch this space!

Celebrate Black History Month

October is Black History Month, and AoD is hosting a meet up on Zoom to celebrate ‘Being Black and Disabled’.

This talk will be for you to share your experience and learn from each other. Everyone is welcome on the 2nd November at 3pm.

For information about how to join, please email: info@aod.org.uk

Share your thoughts…

AoD would like to hear your thoughts on the Safer Cycle and Lower Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) scheme and the impact this has on disabled people in Hammersmith & Fulham. Has this affected you? If so get in touch to let us know your thoughts. 

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