Chair’s message May 2020

Dear everyone We are currently living in strange and unprecedented circumstances. I know that many of us are having a tough time at the moment. Some people are separated from their families and friends. Some people at high risk from coronavirus are having to shield themselves and are feeling isolated. Some people have been struggling to […]
Updated News from Hammersmith and Fulham Council

The H&F Council website page on corona virus now has BSL videos to support Deaf residents: We also now have BSL videos on the co-production page: On these pages find information on coronavirus (COVID-19) including what you can do to protect yourself, support for your business and community and the impact of the disease on our services.
Advice on the Covid-19 is an easy-read version

Useful advice on the Covid-19 including what and how to prevent catching and spreading Covid-19. Advice is an easy-read version that helps everyone to capture and understand the importance of how to being looked after yourself, your family and friends. Easy Read version – Advice on the coronavirus Download Action on Disability is working very hard to make sure […]