Annual General Meeting 2024

Dear Members and Supporters,


Next month will be Action on Disability’s 45 year anniversary! What a milestone from a small group of three Disabled residents campaigning for access to the public baths (swimming pool) and public toilets in Hammersmith and Fulham to the organisation we are today! From 1979 to now, we thank all our local Disabled residents and campaigners, who have built up this local Disabled People’s Organisation to be one of London’s leading organisations run and led by Disabled people!


To celebrate this milestone, as well as International Day of Disabled People, please see the enclosed poster, and come along to AoD’s Annual General Meeting, followed by our 45 Year Celebration Buffet Lunch and an afternoon celebrating Disabled People’s talents at the Drake Suite, Chelsea Football Club on Tuesday 3rd December 2024 from 11am to 5.30pm.


Join us by registering you place at Chelsea Football Club at this link!


Also, please see the below AGM letter and Trustee nomination papers – this year we need to find 5 new Trustees to join the Board of Action on Disability! Are you interested or do you want to know more about the role of Trustee? Please email for an informal chat. Closing date for nominations is Friday 8th November (12pm noon).


What to expect at the AGM – We will launch our new strategic statement and exciting new AoD website! You will also hear more about what AoD has planned for the next 3 years. Please do join us and find out – click online booking above! And then have a fun buffet lunch, meet new people and exhibitors, watch short drama shows, and plenty more to watch and enjoy!