Frequently Asked Questions

We have created some useful FAQ’s – frequently asked questions. 

If you can’t find the answer to your question below, there are a variety of ways to get in touch.



Action on Disability, Normund Croft Community School, Lillie Road, London, SW6 7SR

General Enquires: 020 7385 2098 / 020 7381 2042

Welfare Benefits Adults Service : 0203 080 0382

Welfare Benefits Children Service: 0203 080 0381

Direct Payments Support Service: 078 2499 0072

Youth Service: 07557 273657

Employment Service: 07825 925969



Action on Disability will remain fully operational.

You’ll still be able to contact us on the phone and online, we’ve also introduced virtual support so that we can organise online meetings and/or technical support via Zoom or other video chat platforms. Our phone system enables us to redirect your calls straight to our staff working from home.

The health and safety of our service users, employees, volunteers and suppliers remains our highest priority while we continue to provide you with the support you need from us: Welfare Benefits, Direct Payments, Youth and/or Employment.

It continues to be business as usual, although much of the team will be carrying out their roles from home where they can, in line with the Government guidelines.

Action on Disability follows The Social Model of Disability. The Social Model of Disability recognises that people are disabled by barriers in society, not their impairments. These barriers can be physical or caused by people’s attitudes. In removing these barriers, we can be part of and promote an inclusive society free from disabling barriers where all individuals are equal.

If you believe disabled children, young people, adults and older people should enjoy the same rights, opportunities and quality of life as everyone else, please support Action on Disability now by donating a one of payment or a monthly amount. Help us continue our essential role in the community by getting involved and playing your part. Visit the Get involved, Donate page!



Amazon Smile – Ways to donate

We’re excited to announce that Action on Disability is now part of Amazon Smile’s charity list. This means that with every purchase you can support Action on Disability’s work ensuring that disabled people have independence, choice and control over their own lives.

What is Amazon Smile?

Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to the charitable organisation of your choice.

Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you know, with the same products, prices and service. You can support your chosen charitable organisation by starting your shopping at

How do use Amazon Smile?

If you already have an Amazon account, you can begin shopping instantly. All you need to do to get started is to visit

  • Log in to your Amazon account start by picking your charity
  • Search for and select Action on Disability
  • Give your consent to support Action on Disability
  • You will then receive a confirmation email from Amazon, and you are ready to begin shopping
  • Shop and fill your basket as you normally would with the knowledge that with each purchase you make you will be supporting Action on Disability
  • There is no cost to customers, and 100% of the donation generated from eligible purchases goes to the consumer’s chosen charity. You can change your chosen charity at any time should you wish.

Our Youth Service offers a wide range of fun and accessible opportunities for young disabled people aged 11-25. Young people can challenge themselves, make new friends and learn new skills. We provide a range of activities during term time and the holiday period.

If you, or someone you know, would like to become a member, please contact

Please note that we are a member’s service and you will need to become a member to access any of our projects.

Yes, The Employment Service provides wrap around support for disabled people with all aspects of employment.

We provide information, support, and guidance for those looking for work.

We are partners on 3 Supported Internships with LBHF/Loreal, RBKC and Project Search Charing Cross. We also provide information, support and guidance on how to set up and manage Apprenticeships and Traineeships programmes.

As a part of our service, we work with and train employers on how to become a more inclusive employer.

We provide a free and independent benefits service to ill and disabled adults and children of all ages living in Hammersmith and Fulham. We support with all welfare benefits up to and including 1st tier Tribunal level.

Our specialist advice workers and volunteers operate by appointment only, so please contact us if you would like to arrange a meeting.

Some of the benefits with which we can assist are:

  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • PIP – Personal Independence Payment
  • Universal Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax

Money is made available by Hammersmith and Fulham Council to individuals who are eligible for social care services. This is called a Direct Payment. A Direct Payment gives you the opportunity to purchase your own support. The goal is to empower you by giving you more flexibility, choice and control over how services are provided to you. 

We welcome and highly value volunteers to support a range of activities and events.

All of our volunteers are committed to ensuring disabled people are fully included in society.

If this sounds like you and you are interested in expanding your experience – or have a certain skill to offer – we’d be delighted to hear from you! Email

If you are a person living, working or studying in the West London area and over the age of 16, then yes you can become a member!

You can sign up by visiting our page in About us, Membership.

  • By becoming a member, you will strengthen AoD, helping us to empower disabled people and break down the barriers that disabled people face
  • You will be able to help shape our current services and the services we might run in the future
  • You will be able to take part in our campaigns and influence the messages we want decision makers and service providers to hear about the issues facing disabled people
  • You will have the opportunity to take part in the co-production of local services, surveys and consultations that affect disabled people
  • You will receive a regular e-newsletter keeping you up to date regarding AoD’s latest work
  • You will be invited to attend AoD’s events
  • You will have the chance to meet other people who support AoD’s aims and values.
  • You will be able to vote at the AGM and stand for election as a Trustee of AoD (NB The Board of Trustees must be made up of at least 75% disabled people)
  • You will be the first to hear about job and volunteer opportunities at AoD
  • You are welcome to contact the Chair or CEO or visit the office at any time

There are two types of membership:

Full Membership:            This is available to any disabled person

Associate Membership: This is available to any non-disabled person

All the benefits of AoD membership are available to both full and associate members but the Board of Trustees must comprise at least 75% disabled people. All full and associate members must live, study or work in the West London boroughs and be aged over 16. (The West London boroughs are Hammersmith & Fulham, Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster).

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