News from AoD Chief Executive – Law change opens door to deaf jurors
“I am very pleased that the Ministry of Justice has finally recognised the need to update the law to allow BSL/English interpreters in the Jury Room in order that they may interpret for Deaf jurors who use sign language.
This is indeed welcome news and comes after several years of lobbying ministers through a series of meetings in my previous role as Chief Executive of the British Deaf Association (BDA) and being invited to sit on the Ministry of Justice Working Group on Deaf people within the Justice system.” Read the full article here
Sign up Now – Zoom Training Sessions
Action on Disability’s Digital Inclusion Project is still running with training sessions still available. The project offers 1:1 training sessions on how to use technology remotely, such as Zoom, so that you can stay connected with peer support groups, online discussion groups, family and/or friends. Contact: info@aod.org.uk to find out more or call 020 7385 2098
Donate to AoD with Amazon Smile
We’re excited to announce that Action on Disability is now part of Amazon Smile’s charity list. This means that with every purchase you can support Action on Disability’s work ensuring that disabled people have independence, choice and control over their own lives.
What is Amazon Smile?
Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to the charitable organisation of your choice.
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know, with the same products, prices and service. You can support your chosen charitable organisation by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.co.uk. Click here to find out more.

Youth Service News
During the February half term AoD youth service delivered their holiday project which saw up to 20 different young disabled engage with their peers and have fun! The young people participated in a range of activities from making pancakes on pancake day, to vibrant dance sessions with Dance West, to energising football session with CFC.

It was a great week for the young people to come together and enjoy themselves. We also participated in London Youth’s virtual inclusive games where 2 of our young people set and completed their own challenges for other young people to also compete with. You can check them out here LYG Virtual Inclusive Games – London Youth Games
Welfare Benefit Service News
The Welfare Benefits service at AoD has continued to deliver a full service throughout lockdown. Our two advisors along with the help of three committed volunteers have been working from home in the main. During lockdown we have so far supported 340 ill and disabled residents in H&F.
We have continually adapted ways to deliver the service through the changing Tiers and restrictions. We have not been able to hold face to face meetings at AoD offices. We ask our service users to post their signed forms and any other relevant documents to AoD offices where they are collected and distributed amongst the team. We then offer telephone appointments to complete forms such as PIP, ESA, DLA new claims and reviews as well as Mandatory Reconsiderations. We have also been able to support with telephone Tribunal hearings and medical assessments.
Temporary suspensions by the DWP to reviews and assessments of disability benefits has now ended. This has resulted in increased demand on the service. To find out more about the Welfare Benefit service click here
Employment Service News
The Hammersmith and Fulham/L’Oreal Supported internship interns were overjoyed to all be back in there placements!
The lockdown and working on zoom seemed to go on forever but it was great to be welcomed back into 245,Hammersmith where 11 interns are completing their placements in Housekeeping, security, reception and maintenance departments.
‘It is a relief that the supported interns could continue their work experience in their placements. Thanks goes to 245 for their ongoing support in helping us make this happen!’
Two interns have also returned to their barista training sessions once a week with Fairshot Cafe. The supported interns are now perfecting their customer service skills and continue to learn how to achieve a smooth tasting Capaccino, late, mocha and more..

Employment Service News - New Equip Project
Action on Disability Employment service are currently enrolling people on our new Equip project, funded by the Paddington Trust. Helping you look for sustainable employment or training by working on your CV, getting you interview ready and on the job support. If you would like to enroll please email: info@aod.org.uk
News Updates from our Partners – The Lyric Hammersmith Theatre
Young Lyric Classes at the The Lyric Hammersmith Theatre now on sale for Spring-Summer 2021
- Accessible acting, dancing and music classes for ages 4-25 years based in West London
- Courses will run for 10 weeks from April 2021. Book now at lyric.co.uk
The Lyric Hammersmith Theatre is delighted to announce a new term of Young Lyric acting, dancing and music classes for young people from across West London. A variety of accessible courses are available for all abilities, aged 4-25 years, and will run for 10 weeks from April 2021.
All places must be booked in advance. For full details on classes, theatre safety measures and to book, visit the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre website www.lyric.co.uk or call the box office on 020 8741 6850.