As 2021 draws to a close, AoD reflects on the past year. Whilst Covid-19 has been challenging for us all, we are delighted that we continued to deliver our services and make a huge difference to the lives of local disabled people. November and December 2021 saw AoD celebrate Disability History Month and International Day of Disabled People with a series of fantastic talks with a panel of inspiring speakers which can be viewed here:

Action on Disability would like to thank all our staff, volunteers, key stakeholders and especially our members for their ongoing support. We want to ensure that we know who our members are, find out what they need from us, and help to reach out to as many disabled people as possible.
Next year we can look forward to AoD’s new centre opening. The centre for our staff, volunteers and those who use our services will have an attractive and fully accessible building available to them.
In 2022, we want to continue our co-production and engagement with local disabled people in Hammersmith & Fulham. We will continue providing the best support we can through our Youth Service, Welfare Benefit Service, Direct Payment Support Service, Employment Service along with our Peer Support Groups.
Wishing all our members a very safe and Merry Christmas!

Youth Service Update
This term at AoD’s Youth Service, 4 young people completed of their Silver Expedition as part of the Duke of Edinburgh awards and spent 5 days exploring nature and wildlife. As part of their expedition, they walked for 7 hours per day using their navigation and map reading skills. The young people also prepared their own food using outdoor stoves and worked extremely well as a team! The young people did extraordinary and showed much resilience and endurance! They really pushed themselves and all passed their Silver Expedition! Well done to Tim, Mariah, Mira and Chloe.

In the Thursday Youth club, young people engaged in a variety of activities including, non-contact boxing and drama offered by the Finborough Theatre. The non-contact boxing sessions were run by a qualified instructor and allowed the young people to engage in a physical activity they enjoyed. Drama provided young people with the opportunity to learn acting skills and to perform drama pieces with one another. During Friday Junior Club, young people engaged in ten weeks of football offered by the Chelsea Football Club. Through participating in CFC, they have been encouraged to work on their teamwork skills and communication skills. They also gained skills in dribbling, passing, and kicking a ball into a goal. Young people did a fantastic job encouraging others to participate in activities and helped one another have fun!

Employment Service Update
In December we celebrated Disability History Month and International Day of Disabled People. Taheem one of AoD’s Employment Supported Interns celebrated the event with a Q&A session at 245 Hammersmith. The event was a fantastic success, thanks to 245 Hammersmith and everyone who came down! You can watch the video of the event here:

Employment Job Opportunities
Action on Disability Employment Service is currently recruiting for a variety of positions, such as Supported Employment Coordinator, Job Coach and Travel Escort. If you are interested in applying or finding out more, please visit out website here!
AoD’s Follow-on Project
The Follow-on Project supports graduates of supported internships seeking employment, apprenticeships, or meaningful training. It has been a very busy and successful few months providing support with job application, interview support, negotiating reasonable adjustments and assisting with Access to Work applications. We have had a lot of success placing clients into new employment, some of the new roles that they are going to be doing include; Learning Support Assistant, Warehouse Operative and Theatre Support Worker. By continuing to engage new employers and develop opportunities the Follow-on Support project hopes to continue its success into 2022!
Welfare Benefit Service Update
2021 has been another busy year for the Welfare Benefit Service. The team has continued to support its clients and members throughout lockdown to complete Personal Independent Payment (PIP), Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Employment and Support Allowance Work Capability forms amongst others.
The Welfare Benefit Service would like to thank and acknowledge the fantastic input from its Volunteers, without their dedication and hard work the smooth running of the service would not be possible.
Direct Payment Support Service Update
2021 has been another busy year for the Welfare Benefit Service. The team has continued to support its clients and members throughout lockdown to complete Personal Independent Payment (PIP), Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Employment and Support Allowance Work Capability forms amongst others.
The Welfare Benefit Service would like to thank and acknowledge the fantastic input from its Volunteers, without their dedication and hard work the smooth running of the service would not be possible.
Peer Support Service Update
Despite 2021 challenges with Covid-19, AoD has continued to deliver its peer support groups. The Knitting group, Writing for Wellbeing, Meet and Greet group all continued to meet on zoom. Our Health & Wellbeing group was able to return in person with a small group of members, in line with Covid-19 guidelines. During the warmer months AoD also launched its Gardening Group where members planted seeds and herbs in nearby Normand Croft Community School. The peer support groups will return online on January 10th 2022 – we look forward to welcoming you back for another year!

AoD Christmas Quiz
AoD is hosting a fun Christmas Quiz on zoom on 21st December 2021 at 3.00pm! Everyone is welcome to join in the festive fun! Please get in touch with: or call 0207 385 2098 for the zoom link to join!

Other news…
Get involved in giving your feedback on inclusive and accessible spaces in H&F.
Action on Disability is working with design consultants on several building projects in Hammersmith & Fulham to ensure the projects are inclusive and accessible spaces. We will be hosting two events in January and February where local residents can join us on zoom to give their feedback and input into the design and redevelopment projects.
Hartopp and Lannoy Points – Zoom discussion in January 2022
Following the demolition of the Hartopp Point and Lannoy Point tower blocks due to health and safety concerns, the Council are exploring proposals to provide new housing and open space on the site, which forms part of the Aintree Estate. One of the key project drivers is co-production and creation of inclusive and accessible spaces – so join us to give your thoughts.
White City Central – Zoom discussion in February 2022
Hammersmith & Fulham Council have appointed a design team to work with local people on White City Estate. The White City Central project is re-thinking how the space between India Way and Canada Way could work. Some of the plots within the area are not currently in use, whilst others provide brilliant services to the local community. We want your help to understand how much needed new homes could be built, and existing community services and landscape could be improved and future-proofed. – so join us to give your thoughts.
If you would like to part of these discussion and give your feedback, please email: or call 0207 385 2098
Give your thoughts on Online GP Serevices
Get involved and have your say to help improve online GP services. Hammersmith & Fulham, Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea, NW London Integrated Care System and NW London Clinical Commissioning Group are carrying out the survey. They want to know how the online GP services have been working for you so far. Which parts of the service are important to you, what doesn’t work well and how can we make things better?
You can do so by taking the survey below which is open till Wednesday 5 January 2022.
Complete and share our survey now by clicking: OR
If you have any questions about the survey or the work we’re doing please feel free to get in touch via email:
Age UK Digital Diabetes Service & Lung Health Check
Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham is running a Digital Diabetes Service which started in September 2021, which in collaboration with Know Diabetes aims to support people in accessing online diabetes services whilst developing their basic digital skills.
How can Age UK help?
Age UK offer a free service to help more people become digitally included by using the Know Diabetes app and website where they can learn about diabetes, track progress with access to their health record, get advice and tips. Our service also includes tailored training on all things “digital” from how to setup and use email, WhatsApp, Zoom and more. Digital skill sessions are provided both in a one-to-one and group session, using any type of device (laptop, tablet, smartphones etc) giving learners the opportunity to learn at their own pace.
If you are interested in accessing the service, please call 0207 386 9085 or email to book an appointment with one of our friendly champions.
NHS Lung Health Check
You can get a free NHS lung health check! Are you aged 55-74 and a smoker or ex-smoker living in Hammersmith and Fulham?
Lung health checks are quick and simple. They’re a good way of spotting lung-related problems early on, possibly before you’ve even noticed anything. The West London Lung Health Check team is working with Age UK Hammersmith and Fulham to help you get a lung health check.
Please contact Cloris at Age UK on 07494 059 891 or go to: