Who we are

We are a West London Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO) led by disabled people, for disabled people. 

We work to ensure that disabled people have independence, choice and control over their own lives.

Employment Service

The Employment Service supports disabled people looking for work, in work and on supported internships. We also help employers who wish to be more inclusive.

Youth Service

Our Youth Service offers a range of accessible and fun opportunities for local young people, aged 11-25. Young people can challenge themselves, make new friends and learn new skills.

Welfare Benefits Service

Service available to Hammersmith & Fulham residents only

We provide support to ill and disabled people of all ages living in Hammersmith and Fulham, with a free and independent benefits service. We support with all welfare benefits up to and including 1st tier Tribunal level.

Direct Payments Support Service

Service available to Hammersmith & Fulham residents only

Money is made available by Hammersmith and Fulham Council to individuals who are eligible for social care services.

AoD Christmas Cards

AoD Christmas cards were made by young people who accessed our projects during the October half term 2020.

They were supported by Artist Mia Harris. This project was made possible by a generous donation from the Daisy Trust and through support from LBH&F, John Lyons and City Bridge Trust.

Recent updates


AoD Update

Charlie Taggart joined Action on Disability Youth Service in early 2003 aged 11 years old.

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Please support us by making a donation

Action on Disability relies heavily on the generosity of its members, volunteers and supporters to carry out its work. We use the money we receive to work with, empower, and represent disabled people.