Taheem IDDP 3

Supported Interns celebrate International Day of Disabled People

Supported Interns celebrate International Day of Disabled People

This month, Action on Disability celebrated Disability History Month and International Day of Disabled People on 3rd December 2021.

Taheem one of AoD’s Employment Supported Interns celebrated the event at 245 Hammersmith. Taheem hosted a Q&A session where people could drop in to find out more about disabled people, the Supported Internship Programme and about Taheem’s Disability. 

Taheem said: “Action On Disability has helped me in the internship to match my skills that I have to put me into placements to help me feel what working in the real world is like. The placement that I’m currently doing is with Hammersmith and Fulham council within the community safety unit.”

The event was a fantastic success, thanks to 245 Hammersmith and everyone who came down! You can watch the video of the event here:

If you would like to find out more about Action on Disability and the Supported Internship programme, then please get in touch. Email: info@aod.org.uk or call 0207 385 2098

Left Image: Taheem pictured with fellow supported interns and staff members from AoD celebrating International Day of Disabled People

Right Image: Taheem speaking with a local police officer

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